Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Bocor lagi

I had just stepped into the cafeteria at the new Jalan Duta Court Complex this morning when I saw a flurry of camera flashes. There must be a high profile criminal accused or litigant around, I thought. My photoblogging instinct prompted me to get my camera phone poised and ready for some action.

I was a bit disappointed to see that all the fuss was about what I thought was a major floor cleaning exercise.

But then I heard some mutterings of "bocor lagi" from the cafeteria patrons. Things were beginning to look up. Finally I could contribute to the bocor discussion with a posting of my own. The press photographers, who were probably stationed at the courts to cover another newsworthy story, had a field day recording the incident from all angles.

Other people, maybe bloggers too, had the same idea and started snapping away on their camera phones. I made a note to myself not to let anybody else get the scoop on this and post this fast. Remember folks, you read about it first on Almost Anonymous.

My own efforts at investigative journalism uncovered the source of the minor flood. A pipe situated in a small "service room" burst. Apparently nobody realised it until some lawyers complained that their thousand-Ringgit Loake shoes were feeling a tad damp.

At least that kept the press occupied until they did some proper legal reporting. Moments later, they swarmed around Mr. M. Manoharan, a prominent lawyer, for some comments on perhaps the latest scandal on a Hindu person buried in a Muslim cemetery, corrupt municipal councilors or chicken smuggling. I couldn't actually hear him but from his fiery discourse I thought this must be something big.

I collared Mr. Mano himself in the lift and I asked, "What public interest case are you doing today, sir?" He said, "No lah. They just wanted to ask my opinion on this bocor thing." Hmmph. Any publicity is good publicity I suppose.

Whatever it is I'm sure members of the legal fraternity and court staff will enjoy the next few days eating in very very very hygienic conditions.


Anonymous said...

That was fast! I only saw the report about it on TV3 a short while ago and you've already posted it. With actual site pictures too. :)

TV3 actually showed one of JDCC's security guard having a war of words with a reporter. Kinda Ah Beng gangster-like. Did you catch that?

an0nymous-ign0ranus said...

belum akil baligh, dah bocor.

Mr Incognito said...

blackcadillac73 >>> can't let TV3 get the scoop. i did see the guards having a few words with the photographers but I didn't recall any harsh words. maybe TV3 hyped it up to make the story more interesting.

Babe >>> *scratches head* ah i see. maybe people should walk around with rubber boots and hard hats over there

NinJaMoo said...

So how did you manage to be at the right place at the right time? Hmm?

Theta said...

Mr Incognito,
Are you a litigant as well? Or acting as an expert witness? Or attending a personal hearing that day?

There is always a story to hype up for the public, in this particular episode an actual leak, which should rightfully be the case, instead of minding another person's monthly leak! ;D

Diesel Electric said...

Bocor? Mana ada bocor? Batu Gajah tiap-tiap bulan ada bocor lah!

Your report, and the imbecilic response of certain MPs to previous bocor cases only shows that this country has a loooooooooong way to go.

Thank God for Britain! :)

Mr Incognito said...

NinJaMoo >>> i have a nose for this kind of thing. btw Utusan Malaysia has the same headlines today. so yesterday.

Theta >>> none of the above. sorry. try again. I don't think this will be the last we hear of leaks, real or metaphorical

Diesel Electric >>> somebody should photoshop a picture of those MPs with sanitary napkins plastered across their mouths

Anonymous said...

Lawyers wear thousand ringgit Loake shoes? Owh, I've chosen the wrong profession! My sandal is only RM38.

Anonymous said...

i am very envious.

izso said...

LOL! Ninjamoo sounded like it was you who burst the pipes for the story.. LOL! XD

Anyway, your pics are way more comprehensive than the newspapers. Hehe... good one dude. Or duddette. Whichever one you are.

Daily Nibbler said...

Thanks for the pics! Bocor, bocor, bocor,....

Mr Incognito said...

Dayang >>> maybe only one or two. the others probably wear dr. cardini

lil ms d >>> of the shoes?

izso >>> damn, i thought nobody would have guessed that i twisted the tap a bit too hard. dudette? MISTER Incognito lah

Daily Nibbler >>> u r welcome :) watch this space for more scoops!

UglyButAdorable said...

u might want to have a wind of change..hehh..hehhh...

akula said...

Woit, selfpimping journalism. Is it a new branch of masscomm that I am not aware of?;)

SP said...

So what's next hmmm? pipe bocor, MP bocor ... a nation of leaks of all sorts! Integrity bocor. National Unity bocor.. and the list goes on ...

Mr Incognito said...

UglyButAdorable >>> i'm quite happpy with the way things are, thank you

akula >>> this is blogland, bro. anything goes.

SP >>> add jamban bocor to your list (see today's Sun headlines)

pugly said...

How was YOUR thousand-ringgit Loake shoes? :-)

Blabarella said...

Loakes? Hmm, .. you may not be a litigant, but perchance you are a litigator?

Anonymous said...

I went to Fitness First IOI Mall on Friday. Then tengah berlari-lari kat treadmill, suddenly, Whooooosh!!! Air mencurah2! Siling bocor!!! Gabra gila because cardio machines pun basah kena air, dahlah all the machines connected to power points. So, semua cepat2 lari masuk changing room. Seee.... issue bocor memang berleluasa...

Anonymous said...

Mat scoop la you...should get the bachelor guy of the TV station to hire you lah since they are soo lambat! ;)

Mr Incognito said...

pugly >>> i binned them after I stepped into some mud last year

Blabarella >>> maybe u should be one since u r good at cross-examining.

Dayang >>> too bad not the other way round. bocor in changing room and everybody had to cepat2 lari keluar

miss golden tan >>> why don't u do some scoops and get his attention?

Blabarella said...

No affirmation but hmm, no denial either, heheh.

Me? Already in the profession lah (but never a litigator, nay). Well, WAS in the profession until I surrendered my practising certificate to became a trailing spouse as of last year. A much, much better career option, mind you!! :)

Mr Incognito said...

Blabarella >>> i'm much more interesting myterious. btw, a much better career option, indeed.

Anonymous said...

god..i dun get it..bocor? am i too slow? perhaps..huh~